Thursday, December 11, 2008

Mashups Make For Strange Awesomeness



Typically, I'm not the biggest fan of mashups.  Sure, some are good and even downright clever, but most of them tend to be edited badly or are just not enjoyable to listen to.


That is not the case with this video.  Now, I know it's not exactly geeky per se, but there's something about this video that just seems to make me laugh.  It's a mashup between Lazytown (a Nickelodeon kids show) and gangsta rapper Lil Jon.  Maybe it's the strange dichotomy between the happy, bright and colorful kids show singing about cooking and the yelling and cussing of Lil John that I find funny.  The innocent mixed with the crass and the vulgar. 


Whatever it is, it's damned funny.  Be warned though, this video is NSFW, so be sure you've got headphones on if you're at work. 


Now if only I can get the damned song out of my head.


(Via Geekologie)

1 comment:

  1. Actually it isn't that bad. She is actually legal.
    Okay well she isn't 18, and only 17, but she resides in New York where the age of consent and the show is filmed in Iceland where it is 15. So yeah...perfectly legal.
    And yes this video is amazing. I have the MP3
