Monday, December 15, 2008

New Wolverine Trailer FTW!!!


So if you've read my review of The Day The Earth Stood Still you already know how disappointed I was when going to the movies last Saturday.  However, I do need to point out that my trek out to the cinema wasn't a total waste.  Before the horrible remake I was treated to a trio of awesome trailers that made up for some of what I would have to endure later.  The first two were trailers for Watchmen and Star Trek, which I've posted here before and discussed ad nauseum.  The third trailer was for X-Men Origins: Wolverine. 


Other than a recent Gambit post, I haven't really given this film much coverage here on Geek-tastic.  This is mainly due to the fact that I have fully been expecting this film to suck for some time now.  I must say though that after watching the trailer I may have to take back my earlier reservations.  The film looks like it could be pretty frakking sweet. 


No only do we get to see Wolverine in a number of flashback sequences that show him during events like WWII and the US Civil War (wearing a blue coat because of course Wolverine fought for the North despite the fact that he's totally from the south), but we also get to see The Blob, Deadpool, Sabertooth...and even Gambit looking pretty badass.


And then at the end Wolvering jumps a motorcycle off of a Hummer and hurls himself into a Helicopter.  Take that John McClane!!!


Check out the trailer for yourself and tell me what you think.  Oh, and for your viewing pleasure, here's two screen grabs I took from the trailer.  First up is the aforementioned Civil War Era Wolvie!




And here's WWII Wolvie!



1 comment:

  1. Wolverine is Canadian. Of course he'd fight for the North. You don't get much more North than Canada.
