Monday, December 1, 2008

Geeky Christmas Ornaments


I just finished putting up my christmas lights and decorations at my secret lair The Patcave (otherwise known as my tiny studio apartment) and as I was going through the box I bring out from storage every year I couldn't help but notice that I have a few interesting geeky decorations in the box.


Pictured above is the prize gem in my geeky decoration Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Christmas tree ornament.  I don't remember exactly when I got the ornament.  I can't recall if I had picked out the ornament myself from the store or whether my mom had been really cool and got the ornament for me, but regardless I've had the thing in my ownership for at least 15 years now.  Probably longer, to be honest.  And I absolutely love it!


This item and a couple of other geeky items I found in the box got me to thinking.  I wonder what other kinds of geeky holiday ornaments are out there that people cherish as much as I love this old TMNT ball.  I know there's tons of stuff out there.  I've always wanted those cool Star Trek and Star Wars tree ornaments that Hallmark sells every year.


What are your favorite geeky decorations?

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