Tuesday, December 23, 2008

New Geek DVD Day - 12/23/08

Ok, this week is really weak for geek DVD releases.  Seriously, only one really geeky thing came out.  Otherwise it's all generic movies that the mainstream audiences went to see.  Due to this, we're not having the typical three categories this week of The Good, The Badass, The Awesome.  Instead, we're changing things up to The Gawd Awful, The Good and The Awesome.



The Gawd Awful:  Siegfried & Roy - Masters of the Impossible


Why It's Gawd Awful:  Wait, what?  How the hell did this ever get made?  Two guys who did cheesy magic shows in Vegas got an animated show?  Who thought this would ever sell?  I've got so many questions about this.  First off, who would ever want to watch this?  Secondly, it was made in 1996, why is it now (12 years later) getting put on DVD?  Is there that big of a demand for this show on DVD?  Really?



The GoodFear and Loathing in Las Vegas - On Blu-ray


Why It's Good:  It's Johnny Depp playing Hunter S. Thompson.  Do you really need more?  Ok, how about great dialogue, hilarious scenes, and Johnny Depp beating away imaginary bats with a fly swatter?  There's also a great look at classic Las Vegas, which I'm always a fan of.  This film is one we should all see.



The AwesomeResident Evil - Degeneration


Why It's Awesome:  Following along the lines of Final Fantasy: Advent Children, Capcom has released a full length CG movie based on the Resident Evil franchise.  As opposed to the live action films starring Milla Jovovich, this film actually follows characters from the games and falls more in line with the game's stories and timelines.  Just check out the trailer.  Even if you're not a fan of Resident Evil itself, chances are you'll dig watching a film about a zombie invasion in an Airport.

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