Sunday, July 5, 2009

Geek-tastic Is Back . . . Sort Of



Hey there everyone.  Ok, so it's been over a week since my last post, and the week before that didn't really have a lot of posting going on either.  I'm really sorry about that.  As I mentioned earlier, I have spent the last two weeks or so packing up my apartment (otherwise known as the Patcave) and moving all my stuff from one place to another.  Thankfully, the move went rather well and was even rather painless except for the part where a 70 lb TV fell on my hand. 


I'm ok though and am glad to report that I am oficially done unpacking and can now get back to writing articles here for the site.  With that said though, I do need to say a few things.  As I had also mentioned earlier, I'm a cubicle jockey in the real world and have a day job that I go to every day from 8am to 5pm.  This job has recently cut off my access to Geek-tastic's website while I'm at work, so the regularity with which I was posting items during the day is unfortunately going to be a thing of the past.


I'm still going to try to post things regularly though, but there's going to be less time in my day to do so from now on.  As as result I've been thinking a lot about the format here at Geek-tastic and will be experimenting with some changes going forward.  Since I will be posting fewer articles, I'm going to try to make up for this by making those posts more quality postings.  Yes, I'll still be posting geek news when I can, but I'm going to be a bit more select about what I post about and I'm going to try to talk a little more about each item or event I'm covering.  Lately, I had gotten into the habit of posting items with little or no commentary to them at all.  I'd like to change this, and I hope you guys appreciate the change. 


Also, the San Diego Comic Con is coming up at the end of this month, and much like last year and then Wonder Con back in February, I will be covering this event and will be sending photos to the Geek-tastic Flickr account.  So that's something to look forward to.  And as for the regular weekly articles like New Geek DVD Day and Geek Item of the Week and Friday Happy Hour, those are still going to get posted on their regular days too.  So while some things will be changing, some will stay the same.


Again, I am really sorry for the lack of new content here at the site lately.  Sometimes life has an annoying tendency to get in the way of the stuff you want to do, doesn't it?  Things should be getting back to normal pretty soon though.

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