Monday, July 20, 2009

The Executives At Fox TV Will Die By My Hands!

I share the same face of shock that Dr. Zoidberg has.  I am speechless.  Well . . . . . almost. 


Never in a million years would I have ever imagined that I'd have to be reporting on something so incredibly stupid, but I guess I should know better by now.  Especially when it comes to the complete fucking retardness that is the TV executives of the Fox network.


Remember how excited we all were a little while back when Fox announced that they would be producing an all new season of Futurama?  Remember the giddy joy we all shared at the thought of once again getting to enjoy the zany adventures of Fry, Bender, Leela and the rest of the gang of Planet Express?  Remember how such news made all of Fox's prior major fuck ups seem almost redeemable? 


Well, get ready for this people, because you're about to have all that joy and love ripped out of your soul with a burning hot barbed hook.  I sure hope you're sitting down.

As excited as I was about the return of Futurama, FOX has once again ruined that experience by their callous actions. According to no less than cast members John DiMaggio, Phil LaMarr, and Maurice LaMarche on their Facebook pages, a casting notice has gone out to replace actors DiMaggio, LaMarche, Billy West and Katy Sagal.


Yeah, you read that right.  Fox has decided to recast the entire show, including every major character.


WHAT THE FLAMING FUCK!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


Seriously, how fucking retarded do the god damned idiots at Fox have to be to want to recast every voice actor on the show!!!  It's the voices and the people behind them that make us love the show so much in the first place.  Without them and the talented writers and directors you don't have a fucking show you brain dead simpletons!!!


Seriously, I swear to god that the execs at Fox must have to take an IQ test before they're hired for their jobs.  If they score above 45, they aren't offered the positions.


How on god's green Earth can anyone think it would be a wise move to remove such amazing voice talent like BIlly West, Maurice LaMarche, John Dimaggio and Katy Segal?  What is Fry without Billy West to give life to his voice?  Or Bender without Dimaggio?  And Leela?  Just imagine how horrible it will be to have to listen to Leela and not recognize the sexy voice of the woman who used to be Peggy Bundy playing her.  It's so wrong, even the very thought of it is killing what little bits of my soul are left, slowly and painfully.


This is the final straw!  We've allowed Fox to fuck up one too many times.  There needs to be justice dealt here.  They cancelled Futurama way before they ever should have in the first place, they cancelled Firefly, they cancelled Sarah Connor Chronicles, they never even gave an amazing show like Virtuality a chance, theve even make shitty films out of beloved characters like Wolverine (just look what they did to poor Deadpool).  And now this?  I'm sorry, it's too much.  Something must be done people.


We the people need to organize.  It's time we handled this in the time honored tradition of angry mobs throughout history.  You grab the flaming torches, I'll grab the pitchforks.  I think it's time we had ourselves a good old fashioned Frankenstein-style villager uprising!  Let's go storm the Fox offices and show those godless sons of bitches that we won't allow them to fuck over our favorite shows anymore.


Who's with me?

(Via Topless Robot)


  1. Wow, I think I'm going to crawl under my desk and cry for a week. If this really happens there is no way in he'll I'll be able to watch new episodes.
    Also, didn't know they had facebook pages. Must add them to my friends list,
    hopefully there will be such a fan backlash that this won't happen. They seriously must have had one giant steaming bowl of crack rocks for breakfast to think that this is a good idea and that fans would be okay with it.

  2. I think it is a ploy. I think they are trying to see just how much interest there is left. Most of the voice actors are scheduled to be at Comic-Con so I don't see why they would bother to attend if they were going to be reacast. Then is Fox we are talking about.
