Thursday, July 23, 2009

Geek-tastic Guide To Comic Con - Saturday & Sunday

The biggest geek event of the year is almost upon us.  Only a few moew days to go.



As I mentioned before, due to the unfortunate timing of an old friend getting married on Saturday, I will not be able to attend the Con that day and will most likely not be able to make it back down the following day either.  I apologize for this lack of coverage at the con.  However, I do want to still provide you with the list of panels I find interesting and would like to go to if I wasn't already previously engaged.


Once again, we're going with the smaller panels.  The hidden gems of the con.  Here we go:


10:00am to 11:00am - Room 5AB - The Black Panel


The Black Panel is a panel all about african-americans in the comics industry.  The panelists include people like Ludacris, Michael Jai White, Kel Mitchell and others as they discuss black culture in comic books as well as upcoming projects that black artists and writers are working on.  This panel has a bit of a history for being sort of wild and entertaining, so it could be a lot of fun to check out.  Whatever you do though, no matter how funny you think that comic convention scene from Chasing Amy is, don't get on the mic and ask, "What's a Nubian?".  Chances are, the folks in that room aren't going to find that joke anywhere near as funny as you do.


10:00am to 11:00am - Room 24A - TwiFic FanGroup


I'm personally not the biggest fan of fan fiction stories, especially those that involve characters from Buffy having sex with Characters from The Smurfs or whatever, but this doesn't seem to be that sort of Fan Fiction panel.  This looks to be more of a writing workshop for fans, by fans whose goals are to help discuss things like how to make good stories, improve writing styles and how to include canon into your work.  I can totally respect a discussion of fans who want to write better stories.  After all, the only difference between a fan fiction writer and an actual creator is a paycheck.


12:00pm to 1:00pm - Room 24A - Indiana Jones Fan Group Meeting: Indyfans and The Quest for Fortune and Glory


To me, Indiana Jones is like James Bond squared.  He's everything Bond is, but amplified to be cooler and more badass.  A panel all about Indiana Jones and the fans who love him like I do is something I am totally behind.  There's apparently a documentary that some fans have made which will be discussed at the panel as well as a discussion of Indy Merchandise.  And I'm willing to bet at least a dozen people in the room will be wearing fedora's.  That sounds like my kind of gig.


1:00pm to 2:00pm - Room 2 - Comic Con in the 90's


Continuing on with this year's retrospective series of SDCC's 40 year history, this panel looks at the changes the Con went through in the 1990's.  Panelists include the GeekRoundTable's very own Ned Cato Jr., Mary Sturhann and Chris Sturhann.  Knowing these fine folks like I do, I can guarantee you that this is going to be a funny panel filled with all sorts of amusing anecdotes and stories from Cons past.  I'm really, really sad I won't be able to make it to this panel.  I hope someone can record it and put it up on youtube or something.


1:00pm to 2:00pm - Room 24A - Steampunk Meet-Up!


Are you a fan of steampunk?  Do you like clockwork robots and steam powered ray guns?  Then this is the panel for you to meet fellow like-minded fans of the victorian era sci-fi genre.  Fans of all things steampunk will be meeting up to discuss the steampunk genre in general and to make new friends who share their interests.  This is a great way to meet cool new people who like the same stuff you do.


8:45pm to 1:30am - Sails Pavilion - The Masquerade


This is the big annual SDCC costume contest.  It's a giant late night party that goes well into the next morning where people can show off their best COSplay outfits on stage and in front of a large audience.  You'll see things at the Masquerade that you never would imagine in a million years.  Picture the strangest thing you can possibly think of, something no person in their right mind would ever wear to a costume show.  Yeah, Masquerade probably has 4 different people wearing that. 


Be sure to get your tickets early though.  There's only a limited amount of space to get in for the Masquerade, and it's a very popular event.  You will not want to miss out on what is definintely THE social event of the entire convention.  Each year something unforgettable happens at the Masquerade that you'll be hearing about for years to come, so be sure you can tell people you were there to see it happen live.  It's like geek bragging rights.




Sunday at SDCC is kids day, and as such there's a ton of panels aimed at younger geeks.  There's still a smattering of regular panels as well, but the pickings on Sunday are a little slimmer than they are during the rest of the Con.  Don't take that to mean that there's nothing good to be seen though.  Far From it.  There's still some jewels to be found as the Con winds down.  Here's a few panels I thought worthy of note.


12:00pm to 1:00pm - Room 24A - Browncoats Fan Group Meeting


Browncoats, for those of you not in the know, are the names fans of the sci-fi TV show Firefly have given themselves.  They're named after the rebel group from the show, and at this panel they're meeting en masses to celebrate their love for the sadly cancelled sci-fi western that Joss Whedon had created.  They'll be talking about the latest fan happenings and gatherings and will be surely wearing their awesome orange Jane beanies and saying the word "gorram" a lot.  It should be some pretty good times if you're a fan of Captain Mal and his crew.


1:00pm to 2:00pm - Room 4 - It was 30 Years Ago Today: The Kicks and Kitsch of the Year Sci-Fi Struck Back (or: It Was No 1982)


Take a look back all the way back to the year 1979 and see what was the latest and greatest in Sci-fi.  Star Trek: The Motion Picture had just come out, Buck Rogers was running around in the 25th Century, Disney made a film about a Black Hole and the world was introduced to face huggers and chest bursters (and we got to see Sigourney Weaver in her undies) in the film Alien.  It's the year we learned that in space, no one can hear you scream.  Also, the Voyager spacecraft is doomed to become sentient and will come back to earth in a few hundred years and threaten all life on earth.  It was a pretty crazy year.  Panelists will be discussing what made sci-fi back then so great and will probably comment on how it set standards that a lot of today's sci-fi still follows.  I always love a good, intelligent talk about science fiction.  This one should be pretty good.


2:00pm to 3:00pm - Room 32AB - Muggles, Wizards, Tentpoles and Fans in the World of Harry Potter


With the recent release of the sixth Harry Potter film in theaters and it's massive gross earnings in only a few days, it's pretty easy to say that Mr. Potter's fans are just as ravenous now as they have been for the last decade.  But what's to come for the Potter fans?  There's only two movies left to go.  Panelists will discuss the future of the Harry Potter fandom amongst other Wizardy things I'm sure.  There's sure to be plenty of wands and robes floating around in this room, so be careful who you talk to.  If you're not nice they may very well cast an Imperius Curse on you and make you their slave.  I suggest caution whenever entering a room filled with witches and wizards.


2:30pm to 3:30pm - Room 3 - The Cultural Shift


Have you noticed that TV shows and movies about comic books and geeks are everywhere lately?  Comic book films have been topping the summer box office for years now, and geeky shows like the Big Bang Theory and Lost (which is totally a sci-fi show) are topping the TV ratings charts.  And it's not just that either.  Comic books and graphic novels are popping up best seller lists everywhere and people are talking about the educational and artistic value of comics.  There's been a cultural shift in the last ten years or so and suddenly comics are all the rage.  It wasn't too long ago they were shunned as kids stuff, but now they're mainstream and have become big business.


How did this happen?  Now that it has, what will the cultural effects be as everyone becomes a little bit nerdier?  Can this last?  Where will it go from here?  These are the kinds of questions this panel will be asking and attempting to answer.  Right now is a golden age for comics fans, but it shouldn't be taken for granted.  A little self reflection and observation is definitely a good thing.


2:30pm to 5:00pm - Room 8 - Comic Con 2009 Masquerade Playback


Couldn't make it to the Masquerade last night?  Were you too tired to go?  Well here's your chance to see it again.  They'll be showing a screening of the previous nights festivities for the enjoyment of those who couldn't make it the night before for whatever reason.


3:00pm to 4:00pm - Room 5AB - Comic Con Talkback


Is something about the Con really bugging you?  Are the lines too long?  Is the food crappy and overpriced?  Are you upset that they have yet to ban Rob Liefeld from the convention for not being able to draw feet?  Well, here's your chance to get your voice heard.  This panel is an open forum for guests to tell SDCC's management team what they think of the Con they're putting on.  Think they're doing an amazing job?  Be sure to tell them so.  They work hard and deserve the praise.  Have some criticisms?  Here's your chance to let them know what you think.


A word of advice though, don't be a douchebag.  The Comic Con management team are good people, and just because you're pissed off that you couldn't get Stan Lee's autograph, don't go using this panel as an excuse to vent to them for every single slight or misdeed you feel has been committed against you.  They want to hear your opinions, both good and bad, but please do it in a respectful manner.  Don't go name calling or yelling or bitching about things no one can fix (like other guests who refuse to bathe).  Try to come up with thoughtful complaints that have a valid backing to them, and if possible, suggestions for improvements are always welcome.


And in regards to the Rob Liefeld thing, I'm totally with you on that.  He should have been banned years ago.


3:00pm to 4:00pm - Room 7AB - Starship Smackdown XIII: Ultimate Edition


You know those NCAA basketball brackets people make when picking their favorite teams who they think are going to win the tournament?  Well, imagine those but populate them with your favorite sci-fi starships.  Captain them with random captains, send them to battle and let the nerd debating begin.  Who would win in a fight?  The Millennium Falcon or The USS Defiant?  A borg cube or a V Mothership?  Battlestar Galactica or Spaceball One?  It's an open debate forum as both panelists and guests argue the strengths and weaknesses of the ships fighting.  Ships will be eliminated by rounds and in the end, there can be only one!  Who will fly away victoriously, leaving the wreckage of everyone else in his wake?  You can help decide.


4:00pm to 5:00pm - Buffy the Musical


The amazing Buffy the Vampire Slayer fans over at are putting on a live screening of the hilarious Buffy musical episode . . . Once More With Feeling.  Think of it as sort of a Rocky Horror Picture Show style screening, complete with props and yelling.  You're encouraged to sing along with the show, dance in the aisles and shout out things at your favorite parts.  They'll be giving out cool stuff too to those in attendance.  At Wonder Con earlier this year they gave out these awesome Buffy and Spike pins.  I still have mine attached to my laptop bag.  This is a great and fun way to close the con out.  You won't want to miss this.

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