Tuesday, July 28, 2009

New Geek DVD Day - 07/28/09

Sweet Zombie Jesus, this is a big week for cool geek DVD releases.  There's a bunch of stuff out this week.  So much so that I think most of you will find something to love in the available selections.  Also, yes I know I didn't post a New Geek DVD Day for last week.  I actually wrote one, but in the build up to Comic Con I forgot to post it.  Sorry about that.  If anyone shows any interest, maybe I'll post it later, but as it is I'll just move on and post this weeks plentiful offerings.


Green Lantern: First Flight (Two-Disc Special Edition)


The Worth MentioningGreen Lantern - First Flight


Why It's Worth Mentioning:  The DC Animated movies can sometimese hit or miss.  Lately though, they've had a good track record with Justice League: New Frontier and the Wonder Woman movie.  Now it's the Green Lantern's turn to shine in this solo starring film for the hero.  If it's as good as the Wonder Woman film, this could be a lot of fun.


The Middleman: The Complete Series


The "I Really Want To See This"The Middleman - The Complete Series


Why I Really Want To See This:  One of the panels I attended at Comic Con, quite by accident (more on that soon), introduced me to this show.  It's a sci-fi/action/comedy show, and it looks like a lot of fun.  I am dying to check it out.  It may be one of those kinds of shows that was cancelled way before it's time, a la Firefly and The Tick.


Dollhouse: Season One


The GoodDollhouse - Season One


Why It's Good:  It's Joss Whedon's show about pretty, but mentally vacant people.  Basically, it's a show about Orange County, Ca. (where I live).  I've said before I'm not too fond of this show, but it is Joss Whedon and a lot of other people love this show, so I feel it is my geek obligation to report this to you you.  Personally, I'm still pissed that this got picked up over Sarah Connor Chronicles or Virtuality.  But that's just me.  At least it has Amy Acker, who still looks gorgeous even with facial scar makeup on.


Doctor Who: Planet of the Dead


The BadassDr. Who - Planet of the Dead


Why It's Badass:  It's David Tennant as Dr. Who.  That alone makes it Bad Ass.  On top of that, the Doctor is trapped on a desert planet with a hot thief, and they have to work together to save the earth from an evil swarm of scary carnivorous aliens.  What more from the Doctor could you want?  Ok, it's also one of David Tennant's last films starring as sci-fi's longest running character.  Is that enough yet?


Torchwood: Children of Earth


The AwesomeTorchwood - Children of Earth


Why It's Awesome:  One of the greatest things to come from the new Dr. Who franchise reboot has been the creation of the spinoff show Torchwood.  It's like the X-files but with a lot more sex and adult content.  Captain Jack Harkness (played by John Barrowman) is one of the greatest hero characters in recent sci-fi memory.  He's like an oversexed and omni-sexual version of Han Solo.  Plus, he's immortal and has a tendency to travel through time a lot.  This is the third season of the show, and it's been getting rave reviews.  I can't wait to see it.


Battlestar Galactica: The Complete Series


The Super AwesomeBattlestar Galactica - The Complete Series


Why It's Super Awesome:  The new version of BSG is nothing short of phenomenal.  It's one of the best written and produced pieces of sci-fi ever made.  It's storytelling is gripping, it's action packed, suspenseful, intelligent, controversial, thought provoking and so much more.  There was good reason it was nicknamed the greatest show on television.  And now you own it all in this incredible collector's set.  Every episode of the series, all the way from the mini-series to the season finale is here, including the two web series' and the movies hat came out.  There's none of that Season 3.5 bullshit here.  This set is totally complete (at least until The Plan comes out). 


If you haven't seen BSG yet, you're really frakking missing out.  This was the show that was so good the United Nations invited them to speak before them on topics such as war, torture, interracial tension and gender equality.  Yes, it's that damn good and more so.


  1. The box set for the complete Battlestar Galactica looks pretty awesome. And you can't go wrong with Dr. Who either. Pretty good day for DVDs

  2. You should give Dollhouse one more try. I went to the panel and saw the unaired episode and it was pretty awesome (plus Felicia Day is in it and she is my current female crush). But, I have been reading that the whole thing makes much better sense if you watche the unaired pilot in conjunction with the unaired season ender. I haven't watched the pilot yet, but I am getting around to it.
    I feel your pain on the The Sarah Connor Chronicles. I would have really like to see this show continue so that when I do finally watch it I am not sad that it is gone. I heard that the real reason it got cancelled over Dollhouse wasn't ratings, but production costs due to the fact that Dollhouse can run on a very limited budget where as TSCC could not.
