Tuesday, July 7, 2009

New Geek DVD Day - 07/06/09

Ok, so I'm going to have to cheat a bit with this week's new geek DVD's.  To be honest, this week's releases were incredibly weak and didn't have a whole lot of geeky goodness in them.  However, last week's releases had some amazingly geeky and awesome DVD's.  And since I wasn't able to post an article for last week due to my lack of internet and apartment still filled with unpacked boxes, I'm going to go ahead and post what should have gone up last Tuesday and pretend this week just didn't happen.


Sound good to you?  Ok, here we go.


Oh, I guess I should also mention that Street Fighter - The Legend of Chun Li came out last week too, but it looks so god awful, and has gotten such bad reviews, that I didn't really feel like it was worthy of an official listing.  I just thought some of you die hard Street Fighter fans might like to know.  Consider yourselves notified.


Parker Lewis Can't Lose: The Complete First Season


The GoodParker Lewis Can't Lose - The Complete First Season


Why It's Good:  I haven't seen Parker Lewis in a long, long time.  This is definitely an older show that originally aired in the early 90's.  However, I do remember this show being incredibly cool, what with its synchronized swatch watches and funky 90's t-shirts. 


I'm sure the show will feel incredibly dated today, but I think there's probably still enough coolness in it to warrant a return viewing.  Parker Lewis is sort of like the Ferris Bueller of his high school.  He's the cool kid who has a group of wacky and strange friends and every episode he manages to finagle his way out of whatever weirdness is going on in his life.  If my memory serves me correctly, Parker Lewis Can't Lose was a bit of a groundbreaking TV show style-wise.  They used a one camera, almost movie style way of storytelling instead of the typical 3 camera sitcom setup.  It  definitely added to the uniqueness that was this great show.


The IT Crowd: The Complete Second Season


The BadassThe IT Crowd - The Complete Second Season


Why It's Badass:  Roy and Moss (two of the stars of the IT Crowd) are two of the most entertaining geeks on TV Today.  They work in the IT department of a large corporation, are shafted with an office in the building's basement, and have a boss named Jen who while being a cool lady, doesn't know a thing about computers.


Season 2 isn't as great as season 1 was. I'll admit that, but it's still a highly amusing show to see and has some classic moments that are definitely quote worthy later with your friends.  Moss alone is worth watching this show for.


Eureka: Season 3.0


The Awesome:  Eureka - Season 3.0


Why It's Awesome:  I think I've mentioned here before how Eureka is one of my favorite shows on TV, right?  It's the story of a small town sheriff who happens to be the only normal guy in a town full of super scientists.  Every week, some brainiac's invention goes haywire and he has to figure out how to save the day.  The show is incredibly funny, has great characters and has very witty dialogue. 


Admittedly, this is the season 3.0 box set, which means that the Sci-Fi channel is once again ripping off their audience by making us pay twice for a season of TV by releasing only the first half of the season in this box set.  Yes, I think this practice is total bullshit too.  Charging us $100 for two box sets instead of just $50 or $60 for one box set is something that really pisses me off, so instead of buying this I suggest you rent the set or watch it on netflix.  Don't allow Sci-fi to rape your pockets, but at the same time don't miss out on an incredibly charming and entertaining show.  I think it's by far the best thing Sci-Fi has going for it right now.  If you love fun science fiction stories, this is not a show to miss.

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