Friday, September 5, 2008

Geek Item of The Week


LOL Magnetz


We've all seen the refrigerator poetry magnets before.  You know the ones.  The little magnets with words on them that people stick to the front of their fridge that they use to compose crappy poetry which you are forced to read whenever you to to their fridge to get a beer?


Yeah, thoses ones.  Over time there have been clever attempts to make the magnets more enjoyable.  The dirty word set is kind of fun actually.  Well now you can get a set that comes exclusively in the new language of the 21st century.  The language of LOLcats.


The set comes with 384 LOL words which you can use to create all sorts of different LOL phrases.  Get yourself a picture of a cat to put the magnets on and the comedic factor goes up by 1000%.


Personally, I hope they have the proper words to say the following phrase:


U can no has beerz.  U R L4ME.  j/k!

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