Monday, September 22, 2008

Will We Get To See The Return Of Mr. Glass?



The answer...maybe.  In an interview with MTV, M. Night Shyamalan discussed the possibility of making a sequel to his amazing comic book film Unbreakable.

I tell you I get asked about it all the time, so it’s not [an idea] I ever forget,” Shyamalan told MTV News. “I genuinely just asked this question the other day — should I make ‘Unbreakable 2’?”


If Shyamalan does indeed decide to revisit “Unbreakable,” he’ll have at least one of the original film’s stars ready and willing to join up — Samuel L. Jackson, who played the very-breakable villain, Elijah Price, in the movie.


“Every time I see [Shyamalan], he says, ‘I’ve written this thing for you,’ so I say, ‘why are you always doing these movies I’m not in?’” said Jackson.


According to both Shyamalan and Jackson, “Unbreakable” was originally intended to be a trilogy, but a series of bad reviews as well as fan and film critic misconception of Shyamalan’s work quickly tabled the idea of a possible franchise. As Jackson put it, “He was a victim of what Quentin [Tarrantino] was a victim of. ‘Jackie Brown’ is a great movie, but it’s not ‘Pulp Fiction 2.’ ‘Unbreakable’ is a great movie, but it’s not ‘I see f**king dead people.’”


If you've never seen Unbreakable, you need to, like right now.  It really is one of the best comic book movies ever.  No, it's not about any superhero you've ever heard of.  And no, it's not about any comic book you can actually read.  What it is about is a regular guy who comes to realize he has these powers.  Powers he can use to help those in need.  Over the course of the film he goes to see Sam Jackson, a man who definitely is not superstrong.


Jackson teaches him about comics and what makes a hero. He also explains his theory that comic books are just an exaggeration of real life powers people have, or used to have. It all feels very real and very possible. I was blown away the first time I saw this movie. If a sequel does indeed get made, I'll be first in line to go see it. But what would it be about?

“Back then we talked about what the rest would entail,” recalled Jackson. “I broke out of the mental institution. I’m out there doing stuff and ["Unbreakable" co-star Bruce Willis' "David Dunn" is] after me. It’s very cool. He still wears that rain thing, that windbreaker.”


So the idea seems to be there, and Jackson’s ready to break out the funky hair-do(n’t) and purple suit, so — bottom line — will we see an “Unbreakable 2,” Mr. Shyamalan?


“I do love the [comic book movie] genre, I just wanna make sure that I’m able to express who I am,” explained Shyamalan. “I don’t want to get so lost in the subject that I have to neuter everything that’s me in it, so maybe ‘Unbreakable’ is the comic book thing I should do — I keep coming back to that.”


We’ll take that as a solid “maybe.”


Damn, I really hope this gets made. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

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