Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Well, The World Hasn't Ended...Yet


But that doesn't mean it won't.  After all, today is supposed to be the day the world ends, according to a bunch of people.  Although it should be mentioned that pretty much all of  those people are insane.  Why do they think the world is going to end?  Because today is the day that the CERN Hadron Collider gets fully turned on


We've covered the Hadron Collider here on Geek-tastic before, so I'm not going to go into full detail right now.  But to recap, it's a really really big science experiment/particle accelerator that will be able to recreate events like the big bang.


Anyways, the aforementioned crazy people are convinced that turning on the collider will create a black hole that will destroy the earth or will suck us all into a parallell dimension or something to that effect.  So keep your eyes open today for any strange happenings.  If things seem off today, it may not just be you.  We may have gotten sucked into Star Trek's evil parallell dimension or something.


And for those of you who share an equal love of science and booze (like myself), then you're going to love's Large Hadron Collider Drinking Game!


It's science, it's drinking, what's not to love! And if for some reason the world does end today, at least it'll happen while you're good and drunk.

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