Monday, September 8, 2008

A Different Point Of View, As Obi-Wan Would Say

My previous post about the article on how Star Wars has corrupted an entire generation of Kids reminded me of an even funnier article I found online a few years ago


This originally came out in 2005, and is written by a man named Keith Martin.  I have no idea who he is, and I can't even recall how I found this article.  For all I know, this is just a fan putting pieces of info together based on the knowledge we gain from watching the Star Wars films.


The Article itself is about how all of the events in the original Star Wars Trilogy have to be looked at differently, now that we know the full back story of Anakin and what happened during the Clone Wars.  Why Ben and Yoda acted the way they did, what R2-D2 knows, how Chewbacca ended up with Han, etc.  All of it needs to be re-examined in light of the newer films. 


Keith's article makes some pretty solid claims in my opinion, and he does it in an entertaining way.  It is definitely worth a read.  I've never been able to look at the original trilogy the same since I read it.  It's just scary in that it makes too much sense. 


Here's an except from the article:

Consider: at the end of RotS [Revenge of The Sith], Bail Organan orders 3PO's memory wiped but not R2's. He wouldn't make the distinction casually. Both droids know that Yoda and Obi-Wan are alive and are plotting sedition with the Senator from Alderaan. They know that Amidala survived long enough to have twins and could easily deduce where they went. However, R2 must make an impassioned speech to the effect that he is far more use to them with his mind intact: he has observed Palpatine and Anakin at close quarters for many years, knows much that is useful and is one of the galaxy's top experts at hacking into other people's systems. Also he can lie through his teeth with a straight face. Organa, in immediate need of espionage resources, agrees.


For the next 20 years, as far as 3PO knows, he is the property of Captain Antilles, doing protocol duties on a diplomatic transport. He is vaguely aware of the existence of the princess but doesn't know much about her. Wherever 3PO goes, being as loud and obvious as he always is, his unobtrusive little counterpart goes with him. 3PO is R2's front man. Wherever they land, R2 is passing messages between rebel sympathisers and sizing up governments as potential rebel recruits - both by personal contact and by hacking into their networks. He passes his recommendations on to Organa.


The article is slightly lengthy, but it really is well worth the read.  Just wait until you read about Han and Chewie or the the options Ben had to consider while watching Luke for all those years on Tatooine.  It's good stuff!

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