Tuesday, September 23, 2008

New Geek DVD Day - 09/23/2008


The Good:  The Peanuts Holiday Collection


Why It's Good: Admit it. You, along with pretty much everyone else born after 1965, have been raised on these holiday specials. The Peanuts holiday specials are a staple of American culture. We've all seen these movies a thousand times. They're aired every year on multiple TV stations, and we all get sucked into watching them again at some point. But there's a reason for that. It's because they're so damn good. You can't help but not like these shows. They're absolutely classics in american television. I would argue anyone who tells you that they don't like these shows is an evil and heartless person that has no soul.



The Badass: The Godfather - The Coppola Restoration Giftset


Why It's Badass:  It's The Godfather.  Do I really need to say more?  Fine, ok I will.  Not only are these finally coming out out for Blu-ray, but the films themselves have been painstakingly restored to be the dark and gritty films they once were.  To read more about the restoration, you can go here.  I'm dying to see the newly restored prints.  I'm willing to bet the only versions I've ever seen were washed out and faded prints.  Now I'll hopefully get to see the films as they were originally intended to be seen...dark.



The Awesome:  This American Life - Season 1


Why It's Awesome:  Far and away the best weekly radio show in America was given a TV show on Showtime, and somehow they managed to make it not suck.  It fact, not only does it not suck, it's totally awesome.  Keeping the overall feel and scope of the radio show, but mixing it with amazing imagery and a unique directoral style, this show is absolutely captivating.  Each episode of the show picks a theme and then gives you a number of stories on that theme.  The stories are about normal people going about their normal lives, but the show focuses on how truly amazing normal lives can be when you really take the time to look at them.

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