Monday, September 29, 2008

Really Stupid Droids



The Clone Wars cartoon series finally begins airing episodes this Friday.  The above clip is a preview of what we'll be seeing this week.  And, while I have no problem watching Yoda beat the crap out of a bunch of droids, I continue to have my personal problems with the idea of super retarded battle droids.


Ok, I get it, they're comic relief.  But does that mean they have to be so stupid?  Can't they at least be intelligent and marginally badass at the sime time that they're providing moments of levity to the show?


It just doesn't make sense to me that someone would design and build an army of robots specifically for killing and then not provide them with enough processing power to even aim their weapons straight.  Why do they even speak?  They're killing machines.  They have no need to speak.  It would be way more cost efficient to not include a needless feature like that.


And why do you have droids in the droid army driving tanks?  Why aren't the tanks droids themselves?  Why have pilots when you can design a tank that drives itself?  Look at things like the Cylon raiders.  Those spaceships don't have pilots, the robot is the ship.


Come to think of it, the droid starfighters are exactly like that.  So why aren't the tanks?


Ok, I am just going to overthink this to death.  I'm going to shut up now before I drive myself to the point of blinding geek fury.

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