Monday, September 8, 2008

Raimi And Maguire Will Take Part In Spider-man 4 and 5


Word seems to be coming out today that Sony has finally managed to sign both Sam Raimi and Tobey Maguire to respectively direct and star in the next two Spider-man sequels.


While the huge Spider-geek inside me thinks that I should be excited by this news, the cynical and bitter geek that is the majority of me most of the time wonders if this is a good or a bad thing.  Sure the first Spider-man was good, and the second one was absolutely great, but the third one was a giant pile of poo.  What with emo Peter Parker doing dance numbers and the Mountain Dew extreme new Green Goblin riding around on a flying snowboard with a paintball mask on, the film just plain sucked.  And don't even get me started on Venom.  I could rant about the raping of that character for hours.  So I can't help but wonder if maybe it's time to let new creative people take over for Spider-man.


Kirsten Dunst has yet to sign on for the films, but that's no big deal.  If they have to get a new Mary Jane, whatever.  I guess the other big thing of note is that they are going to try to film both sequels back to back because it's cheaper that way and because it was damn near impossible to get Raimi and Maguire together again, so as long as they're signed on they want the films made together so they don't have to try to get them together again later.


There's no real word on who the villains will be in the new films, but I did find this little bit interesting:

Gone is the black costume from Spidey 3, even though "dark" is all the rage in superhero movies right now given the enormous success of The Dark Knight. But I'm told the filmmakers won't be borrowing from the latest Batman installment because "Spider-Man is its own thing," one insider tells me. "Sam Raimi made the first serious superhero movie, and others followed. The difference between Spider-Man and Batman is that Batman is duelling with a dark side of himself, and that's not what Peter Parker's struggle is. Peter Parker has no dark side himself. In Spider-Man 3 it was the black costume. Peter Parker's struggle is about sacrifice."


That, at least, is nice to hear.  It's good to know someone involved with the films knows Spider-man and Batman are inherently different characters, with totally different motivations and goals.


Personally, I'd love to see some classic villains in the new films.  Characters like Rhino or Scorpion would be awesome.  Or Electro, or even Kraven The Hunter would be cool.  I guess we'll just have to wait and see though who gets chosen.


(Original link thanks to Toplessrobot)

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