Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Cyborg Supersoldiers Are Almost A Reality


No kidding.  It looks like the US Military has been researching powered exo-skeleton suits for its soldiers.

U.S. military troops won't have to wait decades for useful exoskeleton robo-suits. According to the U.S. Army Soldier Systems Center (SSC), development plans are on track to deploy the suits in a few years. Which soldiers will get the suits, and what roles will our cyborg supersoldiers play?


SSC (also known as Natick, for the Massachusetts town where it's headquartered) is currently testing suits built by Sarcos and Raytheon, but they have some issues to resolve before the are deployable. The biggest problems, literally, are the power sources. They're too large and heavy, and don't last long enough.


These suits aren't going to be designed for combat though, so kill any dreams you may have of joining the army and getting to pilot Anime style power suits.  These suits would be more for back end work, like allowing a single soldier to lift hundreds of pounds at a time to move cargo or arms or whatever.  Think of them more like the power lifter suit from Aliens and you've got the idea. 


Still though, powered exo-skeketon suits, that's pretty bad ass!

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