Thursday, August 6, 2009

Two Reasons To Really Love Hulu

Oh free television on the internet, how I love thee!


I'm sure most of you have heard of Hulu by now.  If you haven't yet, crawl out from under that rock you live beneath and come join the rest of us here in the happy 21st century, where we live in the god damned future.  And remember, everything is shiny in the future.


Anyways, for those of you who do know of Hulu and its greatness, I'd like to point out two great things that the site currently has for your viewing pleasure which are definitely worthy of your time.


If you haven't seen Spaced yet, there's something wrong with you.




Spaced was a short lived British Sitcom that sadly ran for only two years, but is one of the most entertaining sitcom's you'll ever see.  It's a show that lives and breates geeky and nerdy pop culture.  It stars Simon Pegg, Jessica Stevenson and Nick Frost.  The episodes were directed by Edgar Wright.  If those names sound familiar, it's because they're the same people who brought us the uber cool films Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz.


The show is about two people in their late 20's who have to pretend to be a couple to live in the only nice apartment they can afford.  The show is filled with geeky goodness including comic books, video games, zombies, movies, TV shows and more.  It's like a hyper stylized version of my life, only a lot more witty and entertaining.


Currently, Hulu has every single episode of the show (all 14) availble for viewing.  If you've never seen the show, you need to do yourself a favor and check it out right now.  You'll thank me later, trust me.  And even if you have seen the show before, watch it again . . . you know you want to.


I want this man's job.  Who do I have to sleep with or kill to get it?


Three Sheets


I'm a big sucker for travel shows, I'm also a bit of an alcoholic, so watching a travel show where the host wanders around the world trying out all of the local drinks and drinking customs is pretty much like getting a little glimpse of heaven for me.  The show is hosted by the very funny Zane Lamprey, who must have sold his soul to Satan in exchange for getting the single greatest job in the world.  Seriously, this guy is getting paid to wander the globe and get drunk on camera.  Where do I sign up for this?


I will have to admit though, I don't think I could do a better job than Zane.  The guy is hilarious to watch, and the show actually manages to pull off being both intelligent and informative, yet never gets boring or loses sight of the fact that it's a show about getting drunk.  In fact, this show is so dedicated to drinking that there are even rules for a Three Sheets Drinking Game which you can play while watching episodes.  That's right, it's an interactive TV show about drinking.  How great is that?


Hulu has all three seasons of Three Sheets online right now as well as the first few episodes from the brand new fourth season.  Check them out and then be sure to check back each week as new episodes are posted.


Fun side note:  Three Sheets is such a great show, it actually managed to survive even after the network that it originally aired on went out of business.  It used to air on the Mojo HD Network which has since gone the way of the Dodo.  Hearing about awesome shows getting cancelled by stupid networks happens all the time.  Having an awesome show outlive its network?  That almost never happens, but in this case I am so glad it did.

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