Monday, August 3, 2009

The New Tron Film Loses It's Lame Name (Thank God)

I'm a pacifist, and I don't even like motorcycles, but my god I would kill a whole church full of nuns and orphans if I was promised a real life, fully working Tron Light Cycle if I did so.


Last year at SDCC, some test footage was shown for the long rumored Tron sequel which looked amazing.  Unfortunately, the awesome footage of a Light Cycle race was followed by the revelation that the film would have a really crappy name.  That name?  TR2N. 


Yeah, I guess calling it Tron 2 was just too easy for them, right?  They had to go getting all creative, and playing off of the computer theme of the film by calling it Tron 2.0 must have completely slipped their minds too.  So Tr2n was its given name, and fanboys everywhere recoiled in horror at the stupidity of the title.


Luckily, someone at Disney was paying attention to the negative response the name seemed to generate from all walks of life.  The film has officially been given a new name, and thankfully there isn't a number to be found in the title anywhere.  It is now called Tron: Legacy, which is a completely respectable name in my opinion.  Oh, and that footage from Tron Legacy that was shown last year?  They've shown us some more, and it's so beautiful it makes me want to cry.


The above photo, by the way, comes from this year's Comic Con.  It's a full size Light Cycle that was shown off in an amazing display by Disney that was hidden in the back of an 80's style arcade which was located outside of the convention center.  Sadly, I myself didn't manage to get to see this during the convention, but a co-worker of mine named Gabriel did get in to see it, and he's the one who took the astoundingly beautiful photo you see above.  He's a pretty damned talented photographer and is a fellow geek.  You can check out some of his other work over at his Flicker account.


Now, here's that amazing Light Cycle race I was talking about.  Yeah, most of this clip is a year old now, but there's enough new stuff in there to make it worth posting again.  Plus, you can never really have enough Tron posts.


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