Monday, February 9, 2009

Torchwood Season Three Is On Its Way


Torchwood, the awesome Dr. Who spinoff that features a team of hyper sexed up people who save the world from aliens and monsters and people kicked out of time rifts and other stuff by having sex with them (usually), is coming back sometime around April or so for its third season and I couldn't be more excited.


If you've never seen the show, imagine it like this.  It's sort of like the X-Files, but instead of only two people hunting down the aliens, it's a team of five people (3 guys, 2 girls), and kick the rating of the show up from family friendly to just shy of R due to almost constant sexual references, innuendo and even the occasional sex scene.


It's a really strange show to be honest, but it's also hypnotic.  It's like a train wreck.  There's a lot of beauty to be found amidst the chaos, and once you start watching it's really hard to look away.


Anyways, the above clip is the trailer for the third season of the show, which is sadly only five or six episodes long, but it's all one story, so it'll be like a really long serialized movie.  It looks like it's going to be a lot of fun too.


I'm just happy to be seeing more of Captain Jack Harkness back at doing what he does best . . . . . fighting aliens and shagging people (not necessarily in that order, nor are those two mutually exclusive).

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