Monday, February 9, 2009

Just How Much Would A Death Star Cost Anyways?



As a life long Star Wars fan, I'll admit it.  I used to dream of owning my own Death Star as a kid.  And if you're trying to tell me that you haven't once ever in your life thought the same thing, you're lying.  We all have, let's be honest here.


Yes, we all know the Death Star is evil.  Afterall, anything with the word Death in the title can't really be a tool for good, can it?  But that hasn't stopped an entire generation of kids to fantasize about what it would be like to go cruising across the galaxy in our own moon-sized space station that could blow away any planets foolish enough to get in our way.


But how much would it actually cost to make one of these things?  Something the size of a small moon us bound to cost a colossal fortune to build.  Not even taking into account the massive amount of money if must take to staff the damn thing and keep it running, just getting the thing made in the first place is an extraordinarily complicated bit of engineering.  Luckily, someone has already done some vague research and totally baseless guessing and has decided upon a value for just how much one would have to spend to create their very own planet destroying ball of doom.


That price . . . . . . . 15 Septillion dollars.


Yes, septillion is an actual word.  We're not making that up. Here's how numbers work There's million followed by billion, then trillion, quadrillion, quintillion, sextillion and finally septillion. It's a number with 24 zeroes behind it. Let's compare so you can see what we're talking about.


$15 Million Dollars = $15,000,000


$15 Trillion Dollars = $15,000,000,000,000


$15 Septillion Dollars = $15,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000


That's a helluva lotta cash.  But think about what you're getting for that money.  It's your own personal planet that you can fly through space and blow stuff up with.  If I was the Emperor, I'd be building at least two of these things too.  $15 Septillion?  Sounds like a bargain if you ask me.

1 comment:

  1. After spending that much on the fist Death Star I can understand why the Emperor got ticked when Vader called him.
    "What the hell is an Aluminum Falcon?"
