Tuesday, February 24, 2009

R2-D2 Is One Pissed Off Little Droid



And can you blame him?  Really?  The poor guy has had to put up with a lot of crap in his life.  The first time we ever meet him (chronologically) he's basically slave labor/a mechanic for a monarchy that seems to view his kind as easily disposable.  Then he's forced to wander around the galaxy, through deserts and swamps and cities, with annoying kids and retarded aliens.  His life is constantly in danger and no one around him seems to care.  And this is only in Episode One. 


On top of all of that, his only other droid companion on this journey is a twisted Frankenstein creation that has been cobbled together from trash and spare parts by the aforementioned annoying kid, and this naked sin against nature doesn't even seem to hear a word he says.  So it's no wonder really that when someone finally got around to adding subtitles to R2's dialogue from the Star Wars films we learn that he is a bitter, jaded, foul mouthed droid.  I would be too.


(Via ToplessRobot)

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