Monday, December 7, 2009

I Proudly Admit That I Am Team Edward

Admiral Adama could kick both Edward and Jacob's asses with both of his hands tied behind his back while blindfolded and drunk off his ass.  That's how awesome he is.


Team Edward James Olmos that is.  The only real team worth joining.  What? Did you think I was talking about some lame-ass wannabe sparkly vampire douchebag?  Please, give me some credit here people. 


Team EJO is the shit.  If there was ever an Edward worthy of my faithful devotion, it would be EJO.  This Edward isn't some wussy pretty-boy with crappy hair who has a thing for underage girls.  No, this Edward has hunted down Blade Runners and has led humanity to safety from the armies of the Cylons.  He's a tough-as-nails badass and he has more than earned my respect.


I Am Team Edward.  So Say We All!!!


If you too are Team Edward and would like to proudly declare your status to the world, this amazing shirt can be bought here for only $20.  The shirt itself is actually based on a web comic, which is rather amusing too.  If you'd like to see the web comic, go here.

1 comment:

  1. I really, really, really want that shirt! Team Edward all the way!!!
