Friday, August 22, 2008

Atlantis Sinks.....Again


According to the Sci-fi channel's official website, Stargate Atlantis has been cancelled.  The show, which has been running for five seasons, has not been picked up for a sixth.  However, Sci-fi has announced that there will be a two hour movie for Atlantis that will air sometime in 2009 to close the show.


Not all news in the Stargate world is bad though.  Along with the cancellation notice, it was announced that a new Stargate series will be premiering early next year.  It will be called Stargate Universe.

The new show will involve more space-based action than either of the predecessor series, the trade paper reported.


Universe introduces a new team of explorers who find an ancient unmanned ship called the Destiny. Unable to return to Earth, the crew must fend for themselves aboard the ship, which has a pre-programmed mission taking them to the far reaches of the universe.


Appearances by former cast members from SG-1 and Atlantis are very possible.


So one sci-fi show  goes down, another one comes up to take its place, and the balance of the universe is kept in peace. 


Personally though, I'm just going to sit here and wonder how Stargate has gotten three TV show spinoffs while Firefly couldn't even get a second season.  Sometimes life just doesn't seem fair, does it?

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