Thursday, June 3, 2010

New Thundercats? Hooooooooo-ld On A Second

Word broke yesterday that there's going to be a new Thundercats cartoon series. Upon hearing (ok, reading) the words "new Thundercats cartoon" yesterday, I instantly responded the same way any self respecting nerd in his early 30's would who watched the cartoon growing up, I jumped up and down for joy, clapped my hands and screamed like a five year old girl. You know, the usual.

After a bit more time to think though, the worries have set in. Can any cartoon really compare to my nostalgia infused memories of the original series? Don't most reboots of 80's cartoons suck horribly? The more I think about this, the more I get torn. On the one side, you have reboots like that terrible Masters of the Universe series that came out a few years ago. You remember that one right? It was the one where He-Man was somehow bestowed with an emo-mullet. That thing was pretty god awful, and it tarnished the memory of the original series. I think most of us bitter older nerds tend to view the majority of reboots along the lines of that kind of quality.

On the other hand though, there's the occasional gems to be found like GI Joe: Resolute. That was probably one of the greatest things ever made as far as I'm concerned. Not only did it live up to fan expectations, but it was actually a superior quality product than the original series was. It was a shining example that not all reboots of classic shows are bad.

I'm not saying that a new Thundercats series is guaranteed to be super sucky, I'm just saying that the posibility exists and that we all need to recognize that. I will do my best to stay hopeful, but who knows how this will turn out. Oh, Sword of Omens, if only you could grant me sight beyond sight and let me know if this new series is worth getting excited about or not.

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