Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I'm Scared For The Live Action Avatar Movie


What's wrong with M. Night Shyamalan?  Seriously, what is wrong with that guy's head?  In an interview posted up on the Scifi Wire, he talks about his current progress with the pre-production work on his live-action version of Avatar: The Last Airbender.

"It's going to be really cool," the director said about the Paramount picture on which he is now working. "I'm at the stage where we have [pre-visualized] about the last act of the movie. And because my normal approach to filmmaking is almost like I'm making an animated movie, to some extent--I think out every shot and analyze everything--it kind of lays out really nicely for a big CGI movie."


But you aren't making a CGI movie.  You're making a live-action movie.  Whatever.  That wasn't the part that really bugged me, this was:

Expect a lot more colors, the director of The Happening said. "This fantasy movie may seem as if it's coming out of nowhere, but it's not," he said. "You'll see the seeds of it in Unbreakable and in Lady [in the Water] and in Signs, all of them a little piece of this and that, and the formality of The Village and the things in it should all go, 'Oh, I get it, these are all the colors of his personality.' As opposed to 'I don't get these other ones, how they relate.' Do you know what I mean? It should be more of an honest palette."


The colors of your personality?  Pardon me for asking this, but who gives a flying fuck about the colors of your personality?  This film isn't about you or the colors of your personality.  This is about Avatar.  This is about the show that is loved by many, many people (including myself).  Fans want to see a faithful adaptation of the show they love so much.  They don't want to see colors of your personality.  This isn't about you, don't you get that?


Yes, as a director some of your personality and style will make it into the film, I get that.  Your vision of the film directs how it will turn out.  But dude, seriously, you need to realize that you aren't making one of your own films anymore.  You are adapting someone else's work and you should try your damnedest to be faithful to the source material. 


I swear to god, if M. Night Shyamalan throws in one of his usual "twist endings" into Avatar, I'm going to hunt the man down and castrate him.  Mark my words.

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