Friday, October 24, 2008

Thrill The World


Holy crap! A group of people have organized an amazing event called Thrill The World in which they are organizing the world's largest synchronized dance routine. It takes place tomorrow in cities all around the world, and the song they will all be dancing to is Michael Jackson's Thriller.


The site has a detailed list of all the locations around the globe that will participating as well as what time each event takes place.  SInce this is a worldwide snychronized event, it will be taking place at different times depending on where you live.  There's even an event in Irvine, California (near where I live).


Don't know the dance?  Don't worry.  The site also has step by step videos that can teach you the dance in about two hours.


This sounds like a ton of fun.  I only wish I had heard about it sooner so I could have had more time to learn the dance.  As it is, I know what I'll be doing tonight.  I apologize in advance to my downstairs neighbors for all of the noises they'll be hearing while I dance in my tiny ass apartment tonight.

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