Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Watch Dollhouse....please.



There is a lot of hubbub going on about whether Joss Whedon’s new show, Dollhouse, starring Eliza Dushku, is actually going to last past its first few episodes. Right out of the gate there are a lot of things working against Dollhouse. The first thing is the pilot is not getting rave reviews. Rumors have been swirling that it lacks Joss Whedon’s token wit. Rumors which were confirmed by Pop Candy’s Whitney Matheson after viewing the sneak preview this past weekend. Secondly, it has the distinct honor of being scheduled on Friday, a common night where TV shows go to die. Third, it is on FOX. You know….the network that is the serial killer of good shows. And lastly, its lead star, while gorgeous and possessing a decent amount of acting skill, has not shown much of an ability to carry her own TV show (i.e. Nurses, Tru Calling).


All that said, I think people should give Dollhouse a chance. Anybody who watched Joss’s Dr. Horrible’s Sing-A-Long Blog knows that he actually hasn’t lost his wit or his comedic genius. The man has a lot of talent and if anyone can pull this off he can. As stated previously, Friday night tends to be a dead zone for TV programming, however, with the economy in the toilet at the moment and the fact that people aren’t going out nearly as much to save money, Friday has the potential to grow its TV viewing audience. We should all give Friday a chance! We must also remember that the new “pilot” episode was written in a bit of a hurry and is meant to be more of an introduction to the show and how it works (you know, for those audience members who need everything spelled out for them in overly annoying detail). Oh, and let’s face it! Eliza Dushku is hot, hot, hot. Who wouldn’t want to watch her?


So, in the interest of saving Sci-Fi television let’s at least try to give Dollhouse a chance. There is no promise it will be good or that it will last. But, Joss Whedon seems to believe in this show an awful lot and, honestly, he hasn’t really let me down yet. It is just really good to see Joss Whedon back on television and I for one am anxiously awaiting the February 13, 2009 Dollhouse premiere.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I knew where you can buy those Dollhouse active collectibles.
