Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Geek-tastic Podcast: Episode One - Holy Crap I Actually Have A Podcast




As promised, we here at Geek-tastic are very proud indeed to present to you the very first episode ever of the Geek-tastic Podcast!!!


I've been wanting to do a podcast for a while now, but I haven't really had the equipment or the knowledge necessary to get one up and running. The original idea for the podcast came shortly after the Geek-tastic site started to be honest. I think within a month or two of the site launching, I started formulating plans to eventually bring the Geek-tastic style to broadcast programming. Now, a few months later with a bunch of help from friends and family, this goal has been achieved.


I hope you really enjoy the first episode of the podcast. I know it's a little rough around the edges. I kindly ask you to bear with us for a bit as we get better at the recording process as well as fine tuning the programming we present to you. I want this to be a fan oriented podcast too though, so if you have any ideas or comments or criticism I would love to hear it. And I mean that. Even if you flat out hate this thing, I want to know about it. What about it did you not like?  Feel free to be as brutally honest as need be. I'm a big boy, I can take it.


Ok, I'm going to shut up now and let the episode speak for itself. Enjoy!!!



You can stream the podcast live by clicking here.


To Download the Podcast in MP3 format, click here.





CORRECTIONS: During the podcast I stupidly say that Terrance Howard was rumored to be up for the role of Doctor Who. This, of course, is a terrible error on my part. Terrance Howard, while being a great actor, is not British and was therefore never actually up for the role of The Doctor. In fact, what I meant to say was that the amazing actor Patterson Joseph was the one who was rumored to be up for the role of everyone's favorite Time Lord. I am dreadfully sorry for this mistake and hope you can forgive me.


Also, I mention that Matt Smith will be taking over the roll of The Doctor from David Tennant at the end of 2010.  This too is an error.  I meant to say that he will be taking over the roll at the beginning of 2010, not the end.  David Tennant's run as The Doctor comes to an end in December of 2009, and Matt Smith will be taking over from there.


Here's a handy link to some of the stuff we talk about during the podcast:



And here's some things we mention that we're looking forward to in the year 2009:



And I want to smack myself for forgetting, but I totally forgot to mention how much I'm looking forward to seeing the new Star Trek movie.  I'm a bad trekkie.  I feel ashamed.


The background music used in the podcast's intro was created by the incredible chipmusic artist Bit Shifter. If you'd like to hear more of his work, please check out his website at http://bit.shifter.net/


Thanks go to www.archive.org for hosting the podcast, and to Kevin O'Shea from the Made of Fail podcast for his advice and for helping me to find archive.org. The Made of Fail podcast is another great geek podcast that you should definitely be listening to.


  1. I mentioned DC's casting decisions when I meant to say Warner Brothers. So it sounded like: DC can cast Beyonce Knowles as Wonder Woman and DC can do nothing about it. I meant Warner Brothers can cast Beyonce. My bad. Other than that, I like. Love the Musical intros.

  2. You are correct as to the best episode, but you missed some key elements. Kirks love interest was the young (and very hot)Joan Collins. Kirk was also allowed to see the future, and if Joan Collins lived she would start a peace movement so strong that Hitler would win WWII, and destroy the United States. Kirk was then forced to watch her run to him, and be hit by the car that killed her. Not bad drama for the sixties, and I got to watch it as an origional episode.
