Thursday, January 29, 2009

Quiz Time - Name The Original Justice League Members



Another great quiz has been created over at Mental_Floss.  This time the challenge is to name all seven original members of the Justice League in less than four minutes.  Do you remember who the original seven were?  And there's no cheating here folks.  No looking up the answers on Wikipedia. 


How long will it take you to remember the original team?  It took me 1 minute and 37 seconds to remember them all.  I got the first five members of the team  in about ten seconds and then had to wrack my brain for the other two.  I'm glad I was able to remember them though.  I'd feel like less of a geek if I had failed to name them all in the alloted time.


To take the quiz, click here.


Be sure to post your results in the comments.  How many could you get?  If you got them all, how long did it take you?


  1. Me = Fail. I could only remember 4 off the top of my head. I still don't know who the Martian Manhunter is. Then again, I was never a DC fan, all I could think of was the Avergers.

  2. The first six came out in under 30 seconds. I was right at 2:30 when Aquaman finally came to mind. The first six were on the first try, and then I tried Green Arrow and the Atom just trying to throw names out for number 7. I was just about to cheat by pulling out my Justice League DVD's for clues when it struck me. Freaking Aquaman. I alway did dislike that character.
