Tuesday, December 16, 2008

New Geek DVD Day - 12/16/08



The GoodThe Mummy - Tomb of the Dragon Emperor


Why It's Good:  Ok, so by now I've accepted that no Mummy film will ever be as good as the first one with Brendan Frasier was.  That film had so many fun moments and great lines in it.  It was a throwback to the fun of classic adventure films.  Then came the second, god awful Mummy film.  However, the second film spawned a spinoff called The Scorpion King which I actually liked a lot.  It was a tongue in cheek barbarian film that reminded me a lot of the old Conan films.  It was a lot of fun to watch.


Now we have this, the third in the Mummy series.  Is it as good as the original?  No.  It it at least better than the second film?  I'd say yes.  And to be honest, I'd say it was more enjoyable to watch than the remake of The Day The Earth Stood Still.  So I suppose you could do worse than watching this.  It's got Brendan Frasier beating up Mummies.  That's at least good for a laugh.



The BadassBottle Rocket (The Criterion Collection) on Blu-ray


Why It's Badass:  Director Wes Anderson's amusing tale about a group of friends who create an overly complex plan to rob a bookstore, this is the film that introduced us both to Anderson's unusual directing style that we would learn to love through films such as Life Aquatic and The Royal Tennenbaums as well as both Owen and Luke Wilson.


This new collection features a restored print of the film in high definition as well as commentary from Anderson and Owen Wilson, a making of documentary, eleven deleted scenes, the original 13 minute black & white short film the feature film is based on and much more. 



The AwesomeDr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog


Why It's Awesome:  I can explain why this is so awesome to you with only three little letters...N...P...H.  That's right, Neil Patrick Harris.  I don't know how he's done it, but NPH has gone from being the annoying kid actor who played Doogie Houser to being a bonafide nerd hero.  From his role as himself in the Harold & Kumar films to the always suited up awesomeness of Barney Stinson on How I Met Your Mother, NPH has redefined himself as both being cool and at the same time totally nerdy.  His role as Dr. Horrible just adds to that image.  Here he is, the maniacal supervillain who is just a total nerd at heart. 


Oh, and the whole thing was written by a guy you may have heard of before.  Joss Whedon.  He's the guy who created the Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Angel TV shows as well as the second most amazing sci0fi show to come out in the last 10 years...Firefly (sorry, Battlestar takes the #1 spot).  Then add in Nathan Fillion (the guy who played Captain Mal on Firefly) as the arrogant and full of himself hero Captain Hammer and the gorgeous Felicia Day (The Guild, The Legend of Neil) as the love interest and you have some amazing cast chemistry.


And the whole thing is a superhero.  Did I mention that yet?  Seriously, you can't get cooler than that.  Wait...I take that back.  Yes, you can get cooler than that.  Throw in an evil supervillain league named "The Evil League of Evil" that is lead by Bad Horse (the thoroughbred of sin) and other supervillains with awesome names like Fake Thomas Jefferson and Dead Bowie and you somehow manage to crank up the awesomeness factor of this show all the way past 11 and on towards 12.

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