Sunday, December 7, 2008

Mattman's Weekly Batman Update

Man I'm pretty upset. I'm upset at DC Comics' shitty timing. The Batman R.I.P. story has finished up but unfortunately we all have to wait to discover what becomes of Batman as a result of the story until (I believe) Final Crisis #7. That's not until February. That's forever to wait. For a story that's supposed to change Batman "forever" they didn't quite wrap it up so well. It just left me going "Huh?" Now it seems I'm gonna have to continue to go "Huh?" for months. I don't like spending considerable amounts of time going "Huh?" Honestly I think the event would have worked much better if they had the conclusions to both stories happening in the same month. So now for the months of Dec, Jan, and Feb the Batman books are going to have to tell stories that never touch on R.I.P. or what the outcome was. Honestly for books that already have the ability to tell tales that take place before R.I.P. like Trinity or JLA or Batman/Superman the storytelling will remain the same. But for tales inside the pages of Batman, Detective Comics, Nightwing, Robin, Batman and the Outsiders, and so on, the tales will have to focus on something else until they finally let the final fate of Bruce Wayne be told.




Well at least there is always Batman: The Brave and the Bold. That series continues to bring the Batman cool to the nth degree, and god bless it!



Batman # 682


Writer: Grant Morrison

Pencils: Lee Garbett


This is part of the "Last Rites" storyline, which is the aftermath of R.I.P. and by aftermath I mean "they ain't telling us a thing until R.I.P. is wrapped up." So what kind of tale can they craft in the aftermath of R.I.P. without telling us the outcome of R.I.P.? This is a narrative tale told by Alfred of Batman's history told in flashes. It's actually kind of awesome because it tells parts of the golden and silver age Batman mixed in with the modern age Batman's history as if the intention is to establish the current Batman's origins and history as the amalgamation of the three. It also shows Alfred wondering what Batman would be if the bat had not flown into Bruce Wayne's study that night: Mothman? Snakeman? It's a good tale but, they are just killing time. I hate killing time.



Trinity #27


Writer: Kurt Busiek

Pencils: Mark Bagley

Back-up writers: Kurt Busiek and Fabian Niceza

Back-up pencils: Scott McDaniel


Well the good news is: it's better than last weeks. The bad news is: it still sucks. So we get a tale of the tarot card lady looking into what is destroying time, or reality, or whatever. She discovers that the absence of Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman is what is causing this reality to be lame. Then we get The JSI and The League trying to save civilians that are getting caught in natural disasters caused by reality destroying waves. Then it's back to Morgan Le Fay and that dude Enigma recruiting the big hulk-like dude Konvict or Graak or whatever his name is, for their trinity spell. Now that they have their "third" they intend to create an army to concur the world. In the back-up feature we meet a bunch of lame super-powered losers that are locked up in a meta-human prison. It is these losers that Morgan Le Fay shows up at the end of the issue to rescue. They shall be her soldiers for her army to concur the world. God this story is torture. Pure. Torture.


Tune in next week,


Same Matt-time

Same Matt-channel



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