Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The First Avengers Trailer Has Been Assembled

Holy Crap!!! I did not expect to wake up this morning and see that the first official trailer for The Avengers has been released, but oh my god am I happy it was. There is so much pure 100% bonafide badassness going on in this trailer, I don't even know where to start.

Ok, I think I'll start with Captain America calling Tony out for being nothing but a man in a suit and Tony, in his usual manner, giving a very flippant response that is at the same time both dickish and totally awesome. Yeah, that's my favorite part I think. I'm so happy to see that this isn't going to be some superhero love fest film. There will be team tension as they are forced to work together for the first time. That's what will make or break this film in my opinion, the character interactions. If The Avengers is a two hour special effects spectacle with no character development of any kind, it will be total crap. However, if they take the time to actually make the characters interact as real people, they'll give the audience a reason to emotionally invest in the team. If that happens, this could easily become the best superhero film ever.

Side note, the fact that the trailer is set to the Nine Inch Nails song "We're In This Together" is just making me all giddy inside.

Now, I wouldn't be a proper nerd if I didn't have at least one small complaint about the trailer. I really wish Ed Norton was playing Bruce Banner. I'm sure once I see the film I'll be fine with Mark Ruffalo's performance, but I'm going to always dream of what could have been I'm sure. Just imagine how much cooler that scene between Tony Stark and Bruce Banner at the end of the trailer would have been if Robert Downey Jr. had been chatting with Ed Norton instead. Sigh.

Ok, enough with the negative. That's really only a minor complaint anyways. Otherwise, this trailer is blowing my god damned mind right now. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to spend my day watching this about a thousand more times.

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