Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Want To Know What Makes Me Excited?



This trailer right here.


I'm often skeptical of movies before seeing them or suppress excitement at the trailer of a summer blockbuster, too many times I have been burned. Every once and a great while though, the recipe for a film sounds too perfect to be true. The concept for a film makes it's way to the hands of a director you know is unflinching in his storytelling and can really make magic. A lot of people felt that Zack Snyder was that man for Watchmen, but I don't like Snyder, so to me it was like parmesian cheese on pancakes, I guess if that's what you like, more power to you.


Spike Jonze and "Where the Wild Things Are" .  Wow, I'm so excited.


  1. This does look pretty good. Though, I'm curious: will it scare children? Sure, our knee jerk reaction is no. But this has been under re-shoots and edits for nearly a year now. The first screenings scared children so much that their primary audience walked out crying. Sure, the monsters aren't us...but to a four year old kid seeing this on the big screen instead of on a book, it can be a bit intense. Watching a movie in the theater is an experience until you're about 8 years old: everything is much realer than you've ever experienced. It's akin to the first audiences that ran out of theaters when they saw Lumiere's "Train Arriving at Station."
    It looks very cool and wondrous to me. I'm looking forward to sharing it with my kids...hopefully it's not too scary.

  2. I don't really see Spike Jonze putting a movie together, laying down a soundtrack by his ex GF Karen O of the Yeah Yeah Yeah's, and thinking to himself "I want to do something for the children". He made this movie for himself and those of us who grew up reading that book as a child, studio tampering and bad press aside, it's nice to see SOMEONE willing to make another movie in the vein of the Labyrinth and The Dark Crystal again.
