Friday, February 18, 2011

In Which A Sad Banker Does Something Drastic

A few weeks back, my very good friend (and occasional Geek-tastic contributor) Mike Noyes approached me with a concept for a short film he wanted to make. The general idea was to make something really simple, that we could shoot in a day and which would only require the two of us to make.

The result is what you see above. We hope you like it. Filming it was definitely an . . . . interesting experience for me. Just watch it and you'll understand.

This is actually the first of a series of unrelated short films we'd like to make. I'll be sure to post more of them here as they get released.


  1. I can just see a sequel to this short: Zombie Bankers Rise From The Sand: Scarier than some of the fees they charge! hehe

  2. Ah Patrick, why so glum? Cheer up buckaroo, tomorrow's a new day.
