Monday, March 22, 2010

Welcome To Version 2.0

Hey there!

So . . . . notice anything different about the site lately?  Yeah, that's right, your eyes do not deceive you.  Geek-tastic has undergone a major site revamp.  Welcome to the all new

The reasons for the site changes are many, but it basically boils down to the fact that I needed to take more direct control of the site.  Since the site originally launched back in July of 2008, my good friend Josh Lander was kind enough to handle all of the hosting duties for the site free of charge.  This was totally awesome of him to do, and I shall forever be in his debt because without him I doubt this site would have ever started in the first place.  So let's all say a big thank you to Josh.

Since then though, there's been stuff I've wanted to do with the site that I just couldn't do without being in direct control of the site myself.  Aside from background stuff like getting accurate reporting on site views and stuff like that, I've wanted to host the actual podcasts here on my site instead of having to go to an outside source like for hosting larger files.  With direct hosting of media like podcasts, I can open up an itunes account for the podcasts.  That's something I've actually wanted for a while now.

After much discussion with my more tech savvy friends and wandering around online, I decided to go to for my new hosting duties (hence the "Powered by Squarespace" ad to the right).  

 As for the appearance of the site, I apologize for the spartan look I have going on at the moment.  I'm still really new to Squarespace and I'm still learning my way around their site building tools.  What you see before you right now is what I was able to accomplish in about three or four hours of fooling around online on a Sunday afternoon while drinking some Absynthe.  If I was a real professional, I would have waited until the revamp was complete and ready to go before I launched the new site, but let's be honest here, I'm pretty sure you've realized by now that this is definitely not a professional site.

Besides, where's the fun in a professional launch anyways?  We're doing this in true amateur style, so you'll get to see me totally fuck up along the way as I try to figure out what the hell I'm doing here.  Doesn't that sound like awesomeness just waiting to happen?

In all seriousness though, here's a quick rundown of some of the big changes to the site that you can find right now.  I'll update you as new stuff becomes available: 

1.  The "About Us" section.  Check out the links at the top of the page.  There's a new link where you can check out the profiles of the Geek-tastic contributors.  Wanna know who the hell we are so you can mock us with more accurate information about who we are?  That's your place to go.  Right now, I'm the only one with a profile up, but I'll be adding the rest of the crew as soon as they send me their profiles.

2.  We now have a direct link to our official Twitter page on the right.  Click on it.  Follow us.  I won't spam you with too many Tweets.  I promise.

3.  The RSS Feed.  Right now, it's broken.  Sorry about that.  I'll be trying to get that fixed in the next few days.  As soon as it's working, I'll let you know.

4.  If you had an account to leave comments on the old site (I think about two of you did), then you're going to have to create new accounts for the new site.  I'm really really sorry about this.  I tried to figure out a way around this, but there's nothing I could do.  Join up and feel free to comment about how much this move sucks.  I know it's a major inconvenience to have to create a new account.  

 Ok, that's all for now.  I'll keep you all updated as more changes are made to the site.

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