Ok, so it's not the Bubonic Plague or anything, but it sure as hell feels like it. Last Saturday, Halloween of all days, I started coming down with a rather vicious cold and it's pretty much left me bed ridden (or more accurately . . . couch bound) for the last few days. As a result, it may be a little bit before I get some posts together this week, but I did want to share three things of note from my last few days of semi-conscious, heavily medicated delirum.
1. I did manage to get out for a little bit on Halloween Night and take some fun photos of some nerdy costumes I saw. When I can find my camera again, I will post the pictures.
2. Thank god for the Netflix Instant Play feature. Without it, I would have probably died of boredom a day and a half ago. Thankfully, it has kept me alive with healthy doses of 30 Rock. I even checked out the first episode of Legend of the Seeker, and it wasn't too bad. It's no Hercules and his Legendary Journeys, but it's still pretty cool.
3. I just today found something really cool called
Jaroo.com. It's like Hulu, but with only cartoon shows. Right now it's in an early beta version of the site, so their list of content isn't exactly extensive or anything, but they do have some really cool gems to be found. What kinds of gems, you ask? Well, things like the classic Nintendo Cartoons for the Legend of Zelda, Super Mario Brothers and Captain N: The Gamemaster. They also have Inspector Gadget and the Pole Position cartoon series.
Dude . . . Pole Position!!!
Unfortunately, they also have The Littles, which I could never stand as a kid. I don't know why, but even back then the little pacifist child version of Patrick that I was wanted to see each and every one of The Littles die in slow and agonizingly painful ways. They bug the living shit out of me, but I guess every website has to have it's share of awfulness (present company excluded of course).
With that said, I'm going to go chug some more NyQuil straight from the bottle, wrap myself up in some blankets and then pass out while watching porn. What? Isn't that how everyone gets over a cold?