Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Daria Morgendorffer FINALLY Comes To DVD

If you didn't go to high school or college in from the late 1990's to early 2000's, then chances are you've never heard of Daria Morgendorffer before, or her self-titled show Daria. For those of you who haven't seen it, Daria was an animated series that aired on MTV back when that network was still culturally relevant. It was actually a spinoff from another classic MTV animated series you may have heard of called Beavis & Butthead.

Daria herself originally appeared on Beavis & Butthead as a minor character, but she got her own show after that series ended. It's a good thing she did too, because the Daria series just so happens to be one of the greatest things that MTV ever produced. Not only was the show intelligently written, it perfectly captured that period in time. If you lived through that era, you'll recognize just about every character in the series as someone you knew. There are punkers, jocks, goths, preppies, grungers, frat boys, overachievers and those like Daria who just don't fit in anywhere.

The series has been held back from being released on DVD for years due to issues with music licensing rights, but it has finally come out on DVD today in a complete series set which includes all five seasons of the show as well as the made-for-TV movies that came out after the series itself ended. I had the luck of getting to watch some episodes on an advanced copy about two weeks ago, and the show is just as funny and great now as it was back then. In fact, it may even be a little funnier now that a lot of the cultural references are a little dated.

There's definitely a nostalgia factor included for those of us who lived through this era, but the show is still funny enough for even modern viewers to enjoy it. As much of a representation of the 90's the show may be, there's still a bit of a timeless quality to it in regards to the eternal struggles of high schoolers everywhere as they try to fit in with the cliques and the ever changing styles of what is cool.

You can buy Daria over at Amazon for only $28. You really can't beat that for the amount of entertainment you're getting with this set.

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