Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Mark Millar Wants To Make A New Superman Trilogy


G4 posted up a good interview with comic book scribe Mark Millar about a couple of topics like what he's working on now, his thoughts of creator owned books, and even some discussion of possible new Superman movies (at about 4 minutes in to the interview). 


About Superman, Millar revealed his following dreams for the project:

"I've had this plan for like 10 years for a big three-picture Superman thing, like a Lord of the Rings epic, starting over from scratch again with a seven-hour Superman story. One to be released each year." Millar said.


A Superman story that is of Lord Of The Rings epic proportions?  A seven hour Superman story?  I'm for it!


Also of funny note, Millar reveals that he bought the body of the now deceased cat that Superman rescued from the tree in the original Superman movie.  Now that's fan dedication.  Anyone with that much love for Superman I would totally trust with making a trilogy about him.


One last thing.  As interesting as the interview is, I couldn't help but get distracted by looking at the hot redheaded chick in the bikini-like outfit over his left shoulder as he's talking about superman.  Yowza!!!  Why do women never look like that when I go to comic shops?

1 comment:

  1. Shit!
    I had an idea for a Superman trilogy back before Singer even signed on. It was the Death of Superman storyline.
    That's what I get for procrastinating.
