Tuesday, September 9, 2008

New Geek DVD Day - 09/09/2008

This week I'm trying something different with the New Geek DVD releases.  Instead of having two good items and one bad item (to make fun of) I'm instead going to give you three good items in ascending order of awesomeness. 


The thought behind this is why waste your time reading about something that's going to be crappy.  Sure there is value to be had with the enjoyment of a good dose of sarcasm, but why waste valuable time and space on mocking something for being lame when the time could be better spent spreading the word of great items like the ones below. 


With that in mind, I now give you the New Geek DVD's this week.



The Good:  Kill BIll - Volumes I & II on Blu-Ray


Why It's Good:  Because now you can see The Bride slice through a whole room of Crazy Eighty Eights in glorious high definition.  And no, there aren't 88 of them.  That's just what they're called.  I can't help but wonder though if releasing these films in HD might be a bad thing.  I mean, with the greater video quality now available to consumers, it may now be possible for people to go through Bill's death scene frame by frame and learn the Five Finger Exploding Heart Technique.  If that happens, I sense a lot of lawsuits coming up in the near future.





The Badass:  The Forbidden Kingdom


Why It's Badass:  It's a fung fu film starring both Jet Li AND Jackie Chan.  And on top of that, Jackie returns to his roots and plays an absolutely hilarious Drunken Master.  Rarely is he without a drink in his hand, and when he is he's complaining about it.  Admittedly, the film's intro and actual story are a bit cheesy, but who watches a kung fu film for the script?  It's all about the fight scenes, and this movie doesn't disappoint.



The Awesome:  The Big Lebowski - 10th Anniversary Limited Edition


Why It's Awesome:  The above pic should be enough to show how absolutely fucking awesome this set is.  It's The Big Lebowski, it's two discs of glory with new special features, and it comes in a bowling ball!  I dare you to show me a cooler DVD set!  You heard me, I dare you!  Go ahead and try, but know that you will fail.  This is pretty much as cool as it gets.


  1. Damn! My Amazon wishlist just became three items larger.

  2. But Kill Bill still isn't connected as one movie and we don't have all the deleted stuff.
    Quentin Tarantino promised us and has yet to deliver.
