Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Have I Mentioned How Much I Love Dr. Who?

Ok, I know I've mentioned my love of Dr. Who before, but just to reiterate, I really do love Dr. Who. More specifically, I'm really happy with how the new new Dr. Who Matt Smith is working out in the role. He really is brilliant. I had my worries about him when he was cast because he was so young and so . . . lets be honest here . . . odd looking, but those worries are long gone. I should have had more faith in head writer Stephen Moffat and his casting decisions, because not only has Matt Smith fit into the role of the Doctor so perfectly, but Moffat's choice for the Doctor's companions couldn't have been better either.

Karen Gillan as Amy Pond is the perfect foil for Matt Smith's Doctor. As opposed to most of the previous companions, Amy isn't in love with the Doctor. She's smart, she's really sassy, and good lord is she beautiful. Then there's Amy's Husband Rory Williams, played so well by Arthur Darvill. Rory perfectly rounds out the cast of the show. He's his own man. He's not Amy's hanger on, as previous significant others of companions have been. He loves her, but he gives her hell too when she needs it.

The above video is a perfect example of why I love this show. The dialogue is delivered in a quick, witty banter style. The chemistry between the actors feels completely natural. It feels like they are honestly friends having a good time as they make this. It comes across in their deliveries and adds a general warmth to the characters and their relationship to each other.

I'm so happy to see Rory and The Doctor becoming friends outside of Amy, and of Amy being slightly annoyed about this. Great stuff. Anyways, this is part one of a short story that was released as a teaser for the upcoming season which starts this summer. You can see part 2 HERE.

I hope they do more of these short, self contained stories. This was fantastic.


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