Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Joss Whedon To Direct The Avengers Movie?

Right now, the nerd blogosphere is practically exploding with the news that Joss Whedon looks to be all but confirmed to be the man Marvel/Disney (or is it Disney/Marvel) is tapping to direct the upcoming mega-blockbuster Avengers movie. You know, the film that will have the stars of Iron man, Captain America, Thor and the Incredible Hulk all in the same film? Yeah, that Avengers movie.

I think the internets are currently experiencing a collective nerdgasm. It's getting pretty messy out there.

This news really is spreading like wildfire. In the last 10 minutes alone, I've seen this bit of news pop up on just about every nerd blog I read (which is many). As a wannabe nerd blogger myself, it is my legal duty to report on this as well. Seriously, it's in the nerd blogging bylaws. Look it up. Anything regarding any combination of Joss Whedon and/or comic books must be blogged within a 24 hour period, otherwise one's nerd blogging credentials can be revoked for lack of fanboyism.

So is this a good thing or a bad thing? Admittedly, there are Joss lovers and Joss haters out there who will be respecively thrilled or horrified at this news. Personally, I was sort of hoping that Jon Favreau would accept the directing job since he's done such an amazing job with Iron Man, but I can't really knock Joss' ability as a story teller. Sure, he's known more for his TV work than his film work, but the man has logged many hours behind the camera directing some of the best Buffy, Angel, Firefly and Dollhouse episodes himself. And as for his feature film directing experience, I have only one word for all of the Joss doubters out there.


Yes, it's the only feature film he has directed so far. It also happens to be one of the greatest sci-fi/space operas ever made. The man can direct, and he can direct well. He's also worked with Marvel before and anyone who has read his run on Astonishing X-Men knows that he can tell a kickass superhero story. Am I biased here a bit? Of course I am. I'm a fan of a lot of Joss' work. I'm not a total Joss fanboy (I didn't really care for Dollhouse), but I definitely respect the man's body of work and admire his storytelling abilities.

The real question will be who is writing the script for this thing? Will Joss be writing it? Will other's be writing it? As important as the director of a film is, it's really all about the script at the end of the day. I'm going to reserve making a full judgement on Joss' involvement in the Avengers until more details about the script come out, but I will admit that I'm certainly not unhappy about his involvement with this project.

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