Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The McCain/Palin Campaign's Battlestar Galactica Connection


Geek-tastic isn't a political site, so don't worry, this isn't the start of a new trend of political postings.  We're not here to spout our political beliefs, nor are we going to tell you who we plan to vote for.  However, when political news is sufficiently geeky, we will definitely be reporting about it.


Over the weekend, John McCain finally announced his vice presidential running mate, a woman by the name of Sarah Palin.  What makes this geek-worthy news is that the internet is now all a chatter with the realization that the McCain/Palin ticket is eerily similar to characters from Battlestar Galactica.  Those characters of course being Col. Saul Tigh and President Laura Roslin.


As you can see in the pictures above, the resemblences are striking.  All McCain needs to do is get himself an eye patch and a bottle of whiskey and he's a dead ringer for Col. Tigh.  Palin doesn't really have to do anything to look more like Laura Roslin, she's pretty damn close already.

[And] the parallels continue! McCain is a military man who spent time in a Vietnam prison camp, the character of Col. Tigh is a military man who spent time in a Cylon prison camp. Sarah Palin comes from a family of school teachers, the character of Laura Roslin was school teacher before becoming Secretary of Education (and then later President).


Here's the really scary part though.  And this is a bit of a spoiler for anyone who's never watched Battlestar before, so if you intend to watch the show, stop reading right now...I mean it.  Ok, as I was saying, the really scary part is that Col. Tigh is one of the final five Cylons.  He's onr of the evil robots that is responsible for the genocide of almost the entire human race.  So does this mean McCain is an evil robot too?  Or is he just a drunk?


And just to show we're not taking sides here politically, we'll even things out by showing a pic of Barack Obama doing something incredibly Geeky:



Although, in hindsight I realized that I just compared Obama to Superman and McCain to an alcoholic Cylon.  Admittedly it's not the fairest of comparisons ever.  Eh, whatever.

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