Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Someone needs to stop George Lucas!

George Lucas, seen here laughing as he crushes the hopes and dreams of entire generations. George Lucas, seen here laughing as he crushes the hopes and dreams of entire generations.

Here's a link to an interesting article over at New York Entertainment.  Apparently, George Lucas gave an interview to the London Times last week in which he discussed possibly making another Indiana Jones film.  There's a problem though, Stephen Speilberg thinks his ideas are crap. 

Good for Stephen Speilberg.  Finally someone is telling Lucas he doesn't have a good idea in his very hair-covered head anymore.  Here's an excerpt quote from Lucas regarding making another Indy Film:

"Really, with the last one, Steven wasn't that enthusiastic," he said. "Steven's in the past. He's trying to drag it back to the way they were, I'm trying to push it to a whole different place. So, still we have a sort of tension. This recent one came out of that."

Now, for those of you who aren't fluent in Lucas-speak, let me break down his quote there.  My comments are in red:

Really, with the last one, Steven wasn't that enthusiastic," he said. (Stephen Speilberg realized this film was crap, but he was already commited and there was no way he could back out)

"Steven's in the past. He's trying to drag it back to the way they were, I'm trying to push it to a whole different place. (Stephen only wants to make good movies for the sake of cinema.  I want to make horrible, overly-CG'd pieces of crap that I can market the hell out of and make a billion dollars on toys and other merchandise sales.  Screw the fans, their opinions don't matter anyways.  They'll just continue to eat whatever I feed to them.  Don't believe me?  Just look what I did with the three Star Wars prequels.)

 So, still we have a sort of tension. This recent one came out of that."  (Stephen doesn't want to make another crappy film because he doesn't want to ruin a classic franchise any more than he already has, but his opinion doesn't matter either.  I'll send the 501st Legion over to his house and they will beat some sense into him until he agrees to make another one.)

You can read the entire interview from the London Times here.


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