Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince trailer


Well, this certainly woke me up this morning.  I didn't expect to see this today first thing.  It's the new trailer for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.  My first impression is, "Damn this trailer is creepy".  Is it just me or does the whole thing feel like it's a trailer for some really dark and messed up horror film?  Not that I'm complaining, mind you.  The books do get darker as the series goes on, so it's good to see the films reflect that.  But wow, the flashback of Tom Riddle is downright chilling.

Also, Dumbledore seems to be doing a great Gandalf impression in the trailer as well.  Check it out:

Seriously, I'm half expecting him to be telling a student that they are failing a class in this scene by yelling, You Shall Not.....Pass!!!!!"


1 comment:

  1. HELL YES, I was just going to post this, but happily see you beat me too it. It looks freaky, and oh SO GOOD!!!!
