Be still my heart. Is it possible? After the absolutely awful, unspeakably bad, horrible film that was the first G.I Joe movie, is it actually possible that its sequel might actually end up being the film I originally wanted all along? If this new trailer is at all indicative of what the rest of the film will be like, yes.
I'll be honest here, this trailer actually has me excited about the idea of a GI Joe movie again. After walking out of the last film, I wouldn't have imagined that was possible, but this trailer packs in a lot of great moments.
- Snake Eyes without creepy lips on his mask.
- Cobra Commander actually wearing his mask.
- The Rock looking bad ass in pretty much every frame he is in.
- Is that Jinx with the red blindfold fighting Snake Eyes?
- Cobra Rattlers blowing stuff up.
- No Marlon Wayans anywhere in sight.
- Stormshadow is back.
- No stupid mechanical body suits.
- Ninjas fighting on the side of a cliff.
- Cool exotic locales.
- Bruce Willis being as awesome as he always is.
And let's not forget my favorite moment.
- Cobra banners being dropped over the white house as a Cobra flag flies above it.
Hell yeah! This looks like it could be genuinely fun. It actually feels like a G.I. Joe story. Yeah, the heroes on the run thing was already done for the G.I. Joe renegades cartoon (and a bunch of other stories), but I liked that cartoon, so I'm ok with this. After the last film, anything is an improvement, right?
Oh, and to top this off, rumor has it that Sgt. Slaughter himself will also have a cameo in the film. Woohoo!!! Go Sarge!!!
I am a little sad to see no Baroness in the trailer too, but only because I love her character so much. Hopefully she'll be in the film somewhere. Regardless though, as a life-long G.I. Joe fan, I suddenly have my hopes up again for a Joe film that is worth a damn. Let's hope I'm not getting set up for more disappointment.